Cubs, Beavers, Brownies, Rainbows
Pottery Panda loves to support community groups like Brownies, Rainbows, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, painting pottery at your club could always count towards an art and crafts badge too! Not only do children of all ages find pottery painting a fun activity, it is also educational and a rewarding creative experience. There's all sorts of projects we can offer to suit any season, occassion or curriculum
Christmas decorations, Mother's day hearts, Father's Day stars, party animals and mugs are a favourite with our community groups
Mums & Toddler Sessions
Mother and Toddler Groups, Pre-Schools or anyone with small children who would like us to visit them to either run a workshop or to do hand and footprints. The lead up to Father's Day and Christmas is particularly popular for this.
We have a lot of mums who have met other mums, usually from their NCT group, book a group session in the lead up to Christmas to make their hand and footprint baubles, gifts and keepsakes with their babies.